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1891-1906 “They Play Too Rough” – Growing Up at 504 Jarvis Street
Aunt Enid MacLauchlan, whose husband Peter was a grandson of George Horace Gooderham, heard that George Horace Gooderham admonished his children “Don’t play with those Massey boys – they play too rough”. The Massey’s lived just down the street from George Horace Gooderham’s home at 504 Jarvis Street, Toronto. The home was the subject of an architecture show in 2007 on Rogers TV called Structures and Enid and I were interviewed for the show.

Aunt Enid also said, “It pleases me so much to learn that my mother in law was born here upstairs in the bedroom and then when we heard stories about her children, in fact, Henry Gooderham swung on the chandeliers in this house which is always interesting to know that and when you see the chandeliers and how beautifully the weight of them, the design of them, the strength of them, you would realize how a small boy would like to swing on one.”
To access the video about this beautifully preserved heritage house and other Gooderham buildings in Toronto click here:
Aunt Enid MacLauchlan, whose husband Peter was a grandson of George Horace Gooderham, heard that George Horace Gooderham admonished his children “Don’t play with those Massey boys – they play too rough”. The Massey’s lived just down the street from George Horace Gooderham’s home at 504 Jarvis Street, Toronto. The home was the subject of an architecture show in 2007 on Rogers TV called Structures and Enid and I were interviewed for the show.

504 Jarvis St. built by George Horace Gooderham
Aunt Enid also said, “It pleases me so much to learn that my mother in law was born here upstairs in the bedroom and then when we heard stories about her children, in fact, Henry Gooderham swung on the chandeliers in this house which is always interesting to know that and when you see the chandeliers and how beautifully the weight of them, the design of them, the strength of them, you would realize how a small boy would like to swing on one.”
To access the video about this beautifully preserved heritage house and other Gooderham buildings in Toronto click here:
1891-1906 “They Play Too Rough” – Growing Up at 504 Jarvis Street
1891-1906 “They Play Too Rough” – Growing Up at 504 Jarvis Street
About the house George Horace built on Jarvis St. and growing up there.
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