A bibliography of books and other information sources

A sampling of books about the Gooderhams, Worts and the times and an inventory of sources for historic biographies, obituaries, newspaper articles, portraits, photographs, even building permits.

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Lawyers, families, and businesses : the shaping of a Bay Street law firm, Faskens, 1863-1963 by Kyer, Clifford Ian, 1949-

Year/Format: 2013, Book , xvi, 319 p. :
Summary/Review: Ian Kyer, provides a superbly researched and fascinating study of the origins and development of the law firm now known as Fasken Martineau Dumoulin. Beginning in colonial Toronto in 1863 where two young lawyers, William Henry Beatty and Edward Marion Chadwick, established their partnership in 'one room, half furnished,' The firm represented Gooderham and Worts for many years and the first portion of the book provides an insider view of the legal challenges and complexities of the growth of Gooderham and Worts.

Owner of originalToronto Public Library
File nameLawyers Families and Businesses by C. Ian Kyer.jpg
File Size279.59k
Dimensions667 x 1000
AlbumsA bibliography of books and other information sources

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