King Edward Hotel (King Eddie), Toronto, ON, Canada


Location : Latitude: 43.64933211419776, Longitude: -79.3761555140847


The Victoria Room at the King Edward Hotel
The Victoria Room at the King Edward Hotel
George Gooderham, together with a consortium of investors, built the King Edward Hotel on King St, east of Yonge in Toronto. Rumour has it he intended to anchor the downtown to prevent it's spread further west.
King Edward Hotel postcard
King Edward Hotel postcard
Original building before later additions
Map showing tunnel route from under the King Edward hotel
Map showing tunnel route from under the King Edward hotel
Tunnel entrance and beginning under the King Edward Hotel
Tunnel entrance and beginning under the King Edward Hotel
Although the tunnel was never completed it is true that the beginnings of a tunnel was dug from the king Eddie towards Union station.

Spiffy King Edward cozies up to new lovers
Spiffy King Edward cozies up to new lovers
Article by Beverly Gray about restoration of the King Edward Hotel
By Golly the old dowager looks good
By Golly the old dowager looks good
Article by John Brehl in Toronto Star about renovation of the King Edward Hotel
Article about the history and renovation of the King Edward Hotel
Article about the history and renovation of the King Edward Hotel
Toronto Calendar Magazine April 1981

The History of The King Edward Hotel Blog
The History of The King Edward Hotel Blog
May 11, 2013 marked the 110th anniversary of this magnificent hotel. George Gooderham was instrumental in financing the hotel. He wanted to anchor the downtown core as Toronto expanded west. This blog features some interesting history and stories about the hotel that is sure to be enjoyed. Categories include: architecture, artwork, celebrities,…

Family Stories
1903 Tunnels Under the King Edward Hotel and Gooderham Building?
1903 Tunnels Under the King Edward Hotel and Gooderham Building?
Tunnels are rumoured to exist under the King Edward Hotel and Gooderham Building. True or false?

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