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Matches 1 to 3 of 3 for First Name starts with ADELAIDE AND Tree equals Gooderham -Worts

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree | Branch 
Gooderham, Adelaide Mary
I150  b. 18 May 1859  Gooderham -Worts | JFWR family and descendants, LNH family and descendants, JFRF family and descendants, William Gooderham and descendants, NCR family and descendants, Sir Alberts descendants
Mills, Adelaide Barbara
I875  b. 15 Jan 1918  Gooderham -Worts | William Gooderham and descendants
Sparkhall, Adelaide Victoria
I1795  b. 16 Jan 1874 Toronto, ON, Canada  Gooderham -Worts

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